Essential-leadership-skills-to-help-you-succeed-in-post-covid-world. cademix article Lindah

Essential leadership skills to help you succeed in post covid world

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed business leadership, requiring managers to adapt to new challenges and dynamics. Essential leadership skills such as effective communication, technological proficiency, collaboration, compassion, and confidence are crucial for success in the post-COVID world. This article outlines strategies for leaders to navigate the evolving landscape and lead their organizations effectively during and after the pandemic.

change jobs during a pandemic

How to change jobs during a pandemic

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes Changing jobs during a pandemic can be challenging but also offers unique opportunities for career growth and satisfaction. This article explores the key steps to successfully transition to a new job in these uncertain times, including understanding your motivations, networking, performing a professional audit, enhancing transferable skills, and aligning your goals and values. By following these strategies, you can make informed decisions and navigate the job market effectively during the pandemic.

Agility Within a Non-Agile Environment

Agility Within a Non-Agile Environment

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes This article explores the challenges and strategies for maintaining agility within a non-agile environments, emphasizing the importance of understanding organizational dynamics, generational differences, and sector-specific constraints. It offers practical solutions such as gaining senior support, respecting existing processes, effective communication, and gradual implementation of agile practices to achieve continuous improvement and successfully integrate agile methodologies.