SDG Personal Experience Zahra Kamali C

SDG – Personal Experience

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and My Rural Entrepreneurship Experience is the subject of an article in which I discuss how I was able to meet more than three SDGs. In this article, I’ve also attempted to explain and discuss SDG goals from my Personal Experience.
By Zahra Kamali, Cademix Institute of Technology

What does the Sustainable Development Goals stand for?

In our previous article we discussed the topic of Rural entrepreneurship. Here we further get into an important topic of SDG – Personal Experience. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a template for a better future for all. They support some of the world’s most pressing issues, including poverty, unfairness, and climate change, etc. The SDGs, or Sustainable Development Goals, are a set of global goals aimed at making the world a better place.

Signed as a global call in 2015 to end poverty and hunger and ensure that everyone lives in prosperity by 2030.The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Fund, in this way, focuses on the ground through team-based projects, which is a new method of working for the UN. In addition, UN agencies are overseen by the UN Special Planner and collaborate with one another based on their expertise and position within the country.

In this approach, agencies collaborate with their national and local government partners, as well as civil society and devoted individuals, to ensure long-term success in new projects.Furthermore, all joint projects are in line with the national priorities of the United Nations Development Programme.

What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

The following are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will impact the world:

  1. Poverty will cease to exist

2. There will be no hunger.

3. Everyone will be in good health.

4. Education will be of high quality.

5. There will be gender equality

6. Everyone to be going to drink clean water

7. Energy shall be affordable and environmentally friendly.

8. Good jobs and economic prosperity are going to  emerge.

9. To be going to the formation of industry and innovation

10. Reduce inequity 

11. Communities and cities will be self-sustaining.

12. It is necessary to promote responsible consumption and production

13. Climate Action

14. Underwater life will begin to emerge.

15. Life on the ground will begin to take shape.

16. Strong institutions of peace and justice shall exist.

17. Collaborations will be long-term in nature.

What is the importance of the SDGs?

The need to set global and time-bound goals motivates the international community to mobilize, which in turn strengthens collaboration and networking among stakeholders across sectors, countries, and regions, as well as increasing innovation and information exchange.They alsoŘŚ learn how to use the most effective approaches.On the other hand, the impact of such public investment may be seen in the health sector, with consequences such as lower child mortality and universal access to health care.

Another strong advantage of the SDGs is that they support a long-term plan to solve global issues that affect all countries and need teamwork.Most government projects have a relatively short lifespan of about 4-5 years, and their long-term projects are regularly challenged by administration and political agenda changes (sometimes too frequently).

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set targets for the next 15 years, meaning that most current governments would not be in power in 2030. Therefore, Having a long-term aim and targets agreed upon by 193 countries promotes action sustainability and strengthens state commitment despite changes in national political situation.

Poverty Poor Sustainable Development Goals money, SDG - Personal Experience - Cademix-Magazine-Article-Zahra-Kamali

SDG – Personal Experience with Goal Number 1: No Poverty

It is the first time in thirty years that worldwide poverty has increased since 1990.
The first mission of the SDG, which serves an average of 4 billion people around the world, is to reduce poverty in all of its forms and locations. Almost half of the population (almost 50 percent) needs social support. Furthermore, young workers are twice as likely to be in absolute poverty as middle-aged workers. In 2019, 8.2% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty.

The poverty rate in rural areas is 17.2%, which is more than three times higher than in urban areas. For example, my personal experience has shown that creating entrepreneurship and the participation of all villagers will create a sustainable source of income. In addition, The villager have agreed to work on a seasonal works and the majority of villager are unemployed or have a part-time job. Moreover, The creation of a permanent job in the village causes a mental and behavioral change in the people. As a result, if one or more non-seasonal jobs are created in each village, one of its benefits is poverty decrease.

Helping each other, support team collaboration SDG_  Cademix-Magazine-Article-Zahra-Kamali, SDG - Personal Experience

My personal experience about the SDG fifth goal: Gender Equality

Gender inequality is unmistakably one of the Gender inequality is undeniably one of the most serious challenges to overcoming poverty since it put women to discrimination, which in many societies results in denial of rights to education, positions of power, and any real vote in societal decision-making. is critical, and I believe we will see quick progress in science, politics, and business if we can successfully incorporate more women.breaking down the gender inequality is critical, and I believe we will see quick progress in science, politics, and business if we can successfully incorporate more women.

Women have a great deal of potential in the workplace. Their executive power is high, and they think about other things while performing physical tasks. Besides, in the field of health, we can completely trust them and use the moral obsession at work. Therefore, I hired a group of women to satisfy the labor force’s needs in all disciplines, including physically demanding employment, and I have been successful. As a result, my own experience demonstrates the significance of recruiting women.

Women Iran working Sustainable development SDG - Personal Experience_  Cademix-Magazine-Article-Zahra-Kamali

SDG – Personal Experience and the twelve goals:Responsible consumption and production

We were owner of an infertile land of approximately 500m2 from the village. Specifically, This land was infertile due to high salinity.Also, this land had a higher surface than the surrounding lands, and exposed it to severe seasonal winds. Further, it was an unused land with many challenges. In addition, the water well next to this land was non-potable.

After some research, I came to the conclusion that I would use all its facilities in all other seasons, and build it in a different way, because my only capital was the land, and that was it. Also I made the water well drinkable with an ozone purifier. Further I got 32 amps of industrial electricity and I was able to draw gas from the village to that area with a lot of correspondence. However as a precaution, I piped water from the village. For instance, it became a cake and confectionery workshop with a license and a health code which created  jobs for men and women in the surrounding villages in all seasons.

Success Story – Conclusion

In this article, I mentioned three goals of SDG: Goal One, Goal Five, and Goal 12. I tried to show my personal

experience in achieving these goals.

SDG Personal Experience Zahra Kamali Cademix Magazine
Rural Entrepreneurship

About the Author

Zahra Kamali is a professional FoodTech Entrepreneur with Bachelor Degree in Cooking and Bakery from the Iran University of Applied Science. She has about 15 years of experience as a professional Chef and Registered and Licensed Healthy Food Manufacturer in Iran (Has the mark I.R.l.FDO/Health code151245). She is a entrepreneur and founder of the Trademark “Menipest”, founded in Mashhad, Iran. Her target groups were the rural areas in Baluchistan/Iran (away from City and Villages). This article comes out of her own personal experience in the field of SDG – Sustainable Development goals. She is also a member of Cademix Career Autopilot program – the acceleration program, and open to new opportunities. Please feel free to contact her:


Keywords related to SDG – Personal Experience

SDG, Sustainable Development Goals, Goal1, Goal2, Goal3, Goa4, Goal5, Goal6, Goal7, Goal 8, poverty, hunger. Further keywords are Goal9, Goal10, Goal1. In addition, Goa12, Goal13, Goal14, Goa15, Goal16, Goal17. Further, Education high quality, drink clean water, Good jobs and economic, Reduce inequity, Climate Action, Life Below Water, peace, Life on Land, Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, Partnerships to achieve the Goal, No Poverty. In addition, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being.

Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life on Land, Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, Partnerships to achieve the Goal.

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