Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix

Freelance Architect Job, Design and Make Money

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes

A freelance architect job is where a freelancer works on a project for clients and companies from anywhere in the world and make money. In compare to normal job offers, a freelancer is not employed by the clients. Are you a self-employed architect? Are you an architectural student or a fresh artist planning to enter your own freelance architect job? In this post, you will discover that if you truly want to spend a substantial portion of your spare time doing anything creative, you may instantly use your newly gained talents to start making money independently from typical work in a studio. Being an architect entails a lot of responsibility it is entirely up to you to establish your own firm as a freelance architect and start earning money with your expertise.

In this article, virtual scenes and architectural projects designed by Shahrbanoo Rajabi as a freelance architect from Cademix Institute of Technology are presented.
By Shahrbanoo Rajabi, Cademix Institute of Technology.

In this Article

In this article, you will read about Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money. We also discuss the following topics:

  • Who is a Freelance Architect?
  • How can we make money through freelance architect job?
  • Why do companies architectural tend to outsource their projects?
  • What kind of projects can an architectural freelancer do?
  • How can employers validate the skills of a freelance architect job?
Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix

Who is a Freelance Architect?

Freelancers are those who can work for a specific project or on an hourly basis for freelance websites and companies from anywhere in the world and make money. The sole distinction is that the freelance architect is self-employed and not employed by any corporation. As a result, the freelance architect may take on responsibilities such as site planning, plan development, and building plans, landscape architecture, plan construction, and consultation. Other duties include examining possible sites as part of a client feasibility assessment and putting together a building team.

Working with clients to assist them in construction projects is one of the responsibilities of a freelance architect.
For instance, most clients do not have a specific plan in mind and delegate this responsibility to the architect, in which case the architect creates a concept for the project that acts as a proposal. The client can accept or reject it, or with the help of the architect, create a design that suits their wishes. A freelancer can use modeling and rendering software to give the customer a better understanding of the final design.

Shahrbanoo Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money Cademix Interior Design, Who is a Freelance Architect?

How can we make money through freelance architect job?

Strategies that make a freelancer make better money

We’ve compiled a list of strategies and resources to help you make money as a freelance Architect solely using your skills.

  • There are several freelance architect jobs available on the internet. It’s not always easy to locate the career of your dreams, but the world is full of them, and many of them come through the internet. Don’t be afraid to alter your ideas or change your course; there is always time to locate new employment.
  • You are probably in AutoCAD, 3D modeling software, design, and who knows what else you are good at. In addition, you have a lot of talent which is not a typical feature. If you want to develop these abilities and skills, you must seize the opportunity. There are many opportunities for freelancers on the Internet and you should take advantage of them. Many tutorials are easily accessible thanks to the internet and you can learn new skills in a short time. We can now easily work from our desks and introduce ourselves to all possible consumers in ways that were unthinkable until a few years ago.
  • An architectural freelancer must have his own personal brand. A brand can be a symbol of your work personality and introduce you to the virtual world as a freelancer. When you can not appear in person, you should show yourself on the Internet as best you can.
  • As a freelance architect, you have to perform a variety of tasks, from billing management to customer relations and a range of other team and professional activities within your area of ​​work. You should always try to be up to date and know the latest materials in the construction industry, in addition, you should upgrade your software knowledge in the field of design, modeling, and rendering.

The most common ways to earn money as an independent architect are through architectural platforms

Platforms for architecture
Find out which websites people use to look for an architect online.
Obviously, you must take care of your presentation and determine which of these is most suited to you and the services you wish to provide.

Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix

Freelance Collaboration websites

  • Houzz is a platform that offers three distinct services to its consumers. You can get design ideas for your home by looking at over 9 million photos selected depending on your preferences, freelance architects (and of course adding yourself), and the whole store. What is the process? You can sign up and create a personal profile for your business – (either alone or as part of a team) where you can express your resume through a collection of completed projects, a biography, and all your contacts. Once you create your profile, you are indexed based on your geographic area, your value, and previous customer ratings. This is a great association for independent architects.
  • Cocontest is without a doubt the best idea ever created for an architect. A convenient and open platform where you can experience small competitions and compete. Obviously, there will be good financial rewards. How does it work? Anyone may become a client, and anyone can enter tournaments People from all around the world submit their project requirements and challenge designers to compete for their ideas and solutions.
    Following the conclusion of the competition, the client selects the winner and pays a hefty refund based on the degree of work performed, ranging from a simple blueprint to a 3D render.
Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix
Freelance Collaboration websites

Create an online shop

  • Shapeways is a 3D e-commerce site. Whether you’re a digital modeler or have access to a 3D printer, you’ll find fruitful ground for your interests here. In short, this is a fantastic community where designers can freely offer their products and online shoppers may freely purchase them.
  • Shapeways enters the picture in the physical manufacture and distribution of things. This service provides a network of 3D printers for the creation of items. How does it work? In other words, using 3D modeling software for 3D printers , anybody may become a designer and publish his designs for free, with no contractual obligations to any production business. You won’t have to worry about anything else if you’re good at modeling. Your items will be purchased and manufactured without any further work.

Why do companies architectural tend to outsource their projects?

In answer to this question, we must say that the annual cost of a software for an architectural company is not affordable. These costs include the purchase of that software, annual taxes, payment of annual licenses, hiring a person specializing in architectural software. In addition, the cost of purchasing a suitable hardware system with architectural software is not affordable for an employer. As a result, it encourages the employer to outsource its business projects.

Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix Why do companies architectural tend to outsource their projects?

Outsourcing costs up to 60% less.

Let’s get one thing straight: 3D rendering 3D modeling are not cheap. Nonetheless, every independent architect and architectural business must invest in it. The question is, how much budget do you have to starting with, and how well does your spending match your priorities?
Do you have any concerns about 3D rendering?
In terms of creativity, probably not. When visuals become a professional need, though, outsourcing becomes an appealing choice. Does it save you money, allowing you to spend it on genuine designs? Absolutely. Outsourcing can save you up to 60% over in-house rendering.

Outsourcing architectural projects is a solution to corporate growth

An architectural company can not make much progress in its business without a beautiful picture of the ideas, and projects it has in mind for its customers. In other words, 3D modeling and 3D rendering have a lot of time and money for companies. as a result, outsourcing quickly becomes the only practical solution.

Then, with images and projects outsourced at a reasonable price, companies can enter into large and lucrative contracts with employers.
Thus, not only can outsourcing be described as cost-effective, but it may also change the course of the development of architectural firms for the better. Professional visual effects allow companies to attract more customers while saving money. In the meantime, the freelance architect job can help architecture companies meet their needs for architectural projects.

Outsourcing is a type of employment contract with a freelance architect

Ancillary costs are not affordable for architectural Companies. Most importantly these costs include purchasing a license and installing software in the field of architecture. In addition, costs of purchasing hardware suitable for architectural software, and hiring a trained person for 3D modeling and 3D rendering. For these reasons, companies prefer to reduce their costs by outsourcing their projects to a freelance architect.

What is the outsourcing ?

Outsourcing is a commercial technique in which a firm contracts a third-party to conduct activities, run operations or offer services for the organization. In conclusion, a foreign company, known as a service provider or third-party provider, arranges for people with their computer systems to do things or products from where they live.

Today, there are many companies that outsource a large part of their activities. They often outsource IT services, including programming and application development, as well as technical support. Meanwhile, construction companies outsource most of their architectural and design activities, for example, the processes of producing an architectural project, designing, modeling, rendering, and making architectural animation.

Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix

What kind of projects can an architectural freelancer do?

An architect freelancer can, depending on his ability, can do a project from the beginning as a team or individually.Teamwork as a Freelance architect. Connection with the employer as a Freelance architect job.

Teamwork as a Freelance architect

The freelance architect may also be hired not only to design the building but also to handle other tasks related to the construction process. In addition, this entail finding or assembling the construction team, which may include builders, construction managers, engineers, and other building specialists. The architect may be responsible for project supervision beginning with the design phase and ending with the final construction.

Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix, Teamwork as a Freelance architect
Teamwork as a Freelance architect

Connection with the employer as a Freelance architect job

  • A freelance architect must be creative. Sometimes the employer has no idea about his project . The only information available is the land of the project site and the employer’s wishes. Therefore, a freelance architect must use his ideas and skills to present an ideal design.
  • A freelance architect must be able to create an employer’s ideas. In some design projects, a semi-finished project previously designed by someone else is offered to the architect. Therefore, a freelance architect must come up with a better design than the previous one in order to attract the employer.
  • A freelance architect must have expertise and knowledge of modern designs around of the world. In addition, a freelance architect should know new materials and also be aware of how to install and execute them. For example, a renovation project may be suggested by the employer to the freelance architect. After that, a freelance architect must own provide the client with the latest new design according to their own architectural knowledge.

How can employers validate the skills of a freelance architect job?

Freelancers can prove their skills by carrying out an international project in a renowned European company and receive a valid certificate. Therefore, the Cademix Institute is now one of the renowned European companies that assess the skills of individuals and issue valid certificates.

Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix
How can employers validate the skills of a freelance architect job?

About the Author

Shahrbanoo (Shohreh) Rajabi. Associate 3D Generalist and Interior Designer at Cademix Institute of Technology. Freelance Interior and exterior Designer and 3D Artist, 3D Modeler and Animator. In addition, she is an expert in the area of Designing an exhibition stand the basic ideas with the help of 3D rendering software.

Shahrbanoo Rajabi received her architectural diploma from Technical High School in 2000. Afterward, she received her Associate Degree from the Faculty of Engineering in 2002. After graduating she worked in the field of architecture at private companies between the years 2002 and 2016. In Addition, she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in landscape design in 2017. Furthermore, she earned a master’s degree in architectural engineering in 2019. She is currently working in the field of architecture as a freelancer. She is available for new opportunities. Please feel free to contact her.

Shahrbanoo.Rajabi, Freelance Architect Job, Design job and Make Money cademix
In this article, virtual scenes and architectural projects designed by Shahrbanoo Rajabi as a freelance architect from Cademix Institute of Technology are presented. By Shahrbanoo Rajabi, Cademix Institute of Technology.


Keywords related to Freelance Architect Job

Freelance Architect Job , Freelance Architect, Above all, How to design. Architect Job, Basic ideas, advancement of a business, attract visitors, potential customers, visual impact, Make Money, Virtual scenes. Above all, Make good use of space, Design process,After that, Meeting space, Company logo. Certain materials, Technical, Technical Freelance, Social networks, Animated film, Business, Types of Design.

3D models, Autodesk, 3D software, 3D model, 3D design, Design software, Visualize, Geometry, Photo realistic, Three-dimensional, 3D design software. In addition, 3D studio, Design 3D, Sketchup. Textures, 3D computer, 3D objects, Sketch, Industry-standard, Renderer, Meshes, Computer Aided Design, Create 3D models, 3D studio max.

For instance, To design, Aided design, Cad, Visualization, Engineers, Design process. Redesign, Renovation, adaptable spaces, Introduction to, Outsourcing architectural projects, Outsourcing, architectural projects, 3Drendering, design the building, outsourcing

In other words, Free 3D, Auto CAD, 3d modeling software. Intuitive, 3d cad, Animation software, Maya, Photoshop, Parametric, 3d-animation, 3d graphics, 3d modelling software. 3d graphic, Studio max, 3d cad software, Texturing, Design home 3d, Freelance.

Photorealistic, Prototyping, 3ds, Viewer, 3d content, Architectural design,3d designer, Free software,Prototypes, Freecad, Animate, 3d-printed, Parametric modeling, 3d computer graphics.

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