Cademix Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria | +43 650 967 7080 |

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

DENORMS – Designs for Noise Reducing Materials and Structures

The aim of this European Partnership and COST Action is to design multifunctional, light and compact noise reducing treatments. In order to achieve this, DENORMS will bring together skills and knowledge of the complementary, but still disconnected, communities of EU scientists working on acoustic metamaterials, sonic crystals and conventional acoustic materials. This Action will provide a framework for an efficient information exchange, help to avoid duplication of research efforts and channel the work of groups involved in different projects towards the common goal. New approaches to the theory of sound interaction with materials and structures and standard methods of their performance characterisation will be developed. The participation of EU companies in the network will facilitate the knowledge transfer from the academia to industry.

Number of Countries involved: 29
Number of experts/institutes involved: 80+

denorms maison

SAREP – Study Abroad Research in European Perspective

In the context of increasing international education and study abroad at both European and international level, this project aims to explore the nature, experiences, benefits and limitations of study and residence abroad in the case of second language learners who participate in growing numbers in such international exchange programmes. We do so through a multi-thematic prism, drawing on research relating to the learner’s linguistic, intercultural, social, personal, academic and professional development, reflecting the folk-belief in the wide-ranging benefits that can accrue to the learner in a study abroad context. With a view to exploring the specificity of those benefits from a trans-disciplinary perspective, the project includes researchers who bring cross- and inter-disciplinary insights, such as from the fields of second language acquisition, applied linguistics, language testing, language education, psychology, sociology and statistics. The project includes researchers working on different European languages among study abroad learners in different target language cultures, thereby offering insights at pan-European level into the potential of study abroad to enhance multilingual development and intercultural awareness among citizens of contemporary Europe. The project offers different insights into the complexity of study abroad as a context of second language learning through both quantitative and qualitative analysis, drawing on wide-ranging methodological approaches and tools of investigation. At a time when increased importance is attached to foreign language learning at European level, the project illuminates wide-ranging factors which may impact on study abroad as a context which can facilitate such an aim to varying degrees.

SAREP Group Meeting

Number of Countries involved: 28
Number of experts/institutes involved: 100+

MultiscaleSolar – Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics

Nanostructures show unique tunable material properties with major and proven potential for state-of-the-art optoelectronics. Exploiting them for the challenging implementation of next generation solar cell architectures requires novel multiscale modelling and characterization approaches which capture both the peculiar features at nanoscale and their impact on the optoelectronic performance at device levels.

To foster progress towards such approaches, MULTISCALESOLAR creates a new network of experts defragmenting knowledge by combining existing research activities to address key issues in in next generation photovoltaics raised by academic and industrial end users. It provides quantum mechanical descriptions of electronic, optical and vibrational properties in order to parametrize mesoscopic models for the dynamics of charge carriers, photons and phonons in nanostructures. This yields effective material parameters for use in macroscopic device level models validated at each step by experiment.

This Action combines theoretical and experimental expertise in industry and academia benefitting the European Research Area. The Action actively addresses gender issues, and favours early stage researchers, developing their scientific and management skills. The Action yields, for the first time, validated multiscale understanding of nanostructure properties for optoelectronic applications, with a focus on third generation photovoltaics.

Multiscale Solar Logo
Multiscale Solar Stanko Javad James

Number of Countries involved: 26
Number of experts/institutes involved: 80+

Multiscale Solar Group Photo

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I think I’m lucky I would say, because I met you very early in 2016, right after two months after coming to Austria and then you guided me well. For one year, we work together. And later on, because of your support I moved to reputed car manufacturing companies, Hispano-Suiza and Magna Steyr, and also I’m getting lots of interview calls… You guided me well, like, now you should learn this and now that, so it was a step by step process as I said before if you have a nice mentor, you can go in a right direction and you can learn a lot. So, that’s how I can say.

An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.

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