We are committed to the best in Class Service, and personally answer each inquiry. You can Contact us on phone / WhatsApp, WeChat, Skype, Social Media (LinkedIn) or Email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In case, we have not answered your message/Email within a few days, you may directly remind us and send a message on WhatsApp or Skype.
- Dr. Javad Zarbakhsh, President

WhatsApp/Phone: +43 650 967 70 80
(Use WhatsApp Text & Voice Messages for fast communication and quick questions)
Contact us on LinkedIn (Cademix)
Skype ID: jeavax
(Default Channel for Interviews and Meetings)
WeChat ID: cademix
Preparedness for Emergencies and Online Adaptation
At Cademix, we have gained valuable insights from the COVID-19 lockdowns and have continuously improved our adaptability. We are always prepared to shift all activities to an online mode in response to any emergency, whether it be a blackout, lockdown, or other unexpected disruptions. In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we ensure that our educational programs and consulting services remain accessible, reliable, and seamlessly operational under any circumstances. Our agile approach guarantees that learning and professional development continue without interruption, regardless of external challenges.

For Students and Job-seekers
For Business Clients
An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.
Get in touch
Cademix Institute of Technology
Hauptstrasse 9,
7512 Kirchfidisch
Burgenland, Austria