Patient Health Record Systems, dentist

Patient Health Record Systems and GDPR Compliance

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes Patient health record systems are a new generation of user-centric information systems emerging in the healthcare industry. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) plays an important role in defining the technical requirements for the European market. The most important aspect of the system is privacy and data protection. On a technical level, these systems provide a foundation for a new vision of health care that empowers patients and facilitates patient-provider communication. It has the goal of improving health outcomes and lowering the development and operational costs. Various research groups reported new sets of data and capabilities have been generated by this evolution, providing user, system, and industry levels with opportunities and challenges. The goal of the current study is to present a literature review to assess PHR data types, functionalities and recent development. Further we compare the development and the state of the art technologies in India and compare it with central European solutions.