
Soil Health during Climate Changes

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes Soil health during climate changes is a strong point to cope with the changes… We need sustainable management of land and soil… Soil conservation is essential to stop the loss of this natural resource and boost agricultural productivity… For example, green marketing tries to respond to the needs of customers in order to protect the environment..

Aquaponik Südburgenland: Die Initiative

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes Wir kündigen eine neue Initiative für nachhaltige Aquaponik-Systeme und Pflanzenzucht im Südburgenland an. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cademix Institute of Technology und dem OpenLandLab möchten wir eine nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Gemeinschaft aufbauen, die frische und gesunde Lebensmittel produziert. Unsere Mission ist es, die Produktion von Gemüse und Fisch nachhaltiger zu gestalten und das Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz zu fördern. Wir laden jeden ein, Teil unserer Verein zu werden und gemeinsam eine nachhaltige Zukunft im Südburgenland aufzubauen.


Bridging Agriculture and Sustainable Business: Challenges and Opportunities

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes Adopting sustainable practices in agriculture can be a challenge due to the need for upfront investment and changes in farming methods. However, this challenge presents an opportunity for businesses to differentiate themselves in the market by demonstrating their commitment to sustainability in agriculture and sustainable business. By implementing precision agriculture technologies, diversifying crops and livestock, and developing sustainable land management practices, businesses can optimize resource use and reduce waste, increase productivity, and mitigate risks associated with climate change and market fluctuations.

Fertilizer Consumption In Europe Hossein Nazarian Cademix Magezine Article

Comparison Of The European Fertilizer Consumption With The Middle East

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes In this article we discuss about fertilizers. First of all, we have tried to define fertilizers in simple words. Afterthat, comprise fertilizer consumption in European countries against middle East countries. Also we have talked around Consequences of excessive consumption fertilizers through several aspects… By Hossein Nazarian, Cademix Institute of Technology

Featured image- Arduino-based study on effect of different parameters on cooling of water

Arduino-Based Study on the Effect of Different Parameters on Cooling of Water

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes This is another another Arduino-based project that studies the effects of different parameters on cooling of water. A DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor was used to monitor the temperature of hot water that was allowed to cool. This is used to take temperature readings for cooling water at various room temperatures, mug sizes, and mug materials. Using arduino-based temperature monitoring, this article investigates the influence of these parameters on cooling.

Resource management, client inquiries

Efficient Resource Management in Handling Client Inquiries

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes In today’s competitive business environment, efficient resource management is crucial for handling client inquiries effectively. Companies must balance the need for immediate responses with the creation of valuable, long-term resources. This article explores various strategies for managing resources efficiently, including the role of technology and automation, the importance of content creation and repurposing, and the need to balance short-term and long-term resource allocation. By leveraging client inquiries, businesses can improve their services and ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.

Patient Health Record Systems, dentist

Patient Health Record Systems and GDPR Compliance

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes Patient health record systems are a new generation of user-centric information systems emerging in the healthcare industry. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) plays an important role in defining the technical requirements for the European market. The most important aspect of the system is privacy and data protection. On a technical level, these systems provide a foundation for a new vision of health care that empowers patients and facilitates patient-provider communication. It has the goal of improving health outcomes and lowering the development and operational costs. Various research groups reported new sets of data and capabilities have been generated by this evolution, providing user, system, and industry levels with opportunities and challenges. The goal of the current study is to present a literature review to assess PHR data types, functionalities and recent development. Further we compare the development and the state of the art technologies in India and compare it with central European solutions.