Impact of COVID 19 future of work

Impact of COVID 19 on the future of work

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes The future of work, post-COVID-19, is leaning towards a digital-first approach, with remote work becoming a new norm and automation and AI gaining prominence. This paradigm shift, influenced by the pandemic, is likely to transform job roles, particularly in sectors that demand high physical proximity. Remote work and digital transactions are not just temporary adaptations but are expected to be integral parts of the work landscape moving forward. This transition presents both challenges and opportunities in redefining the workforce, demanding a reevaluation of skills, job roles, and work processes.

Agility Within a Non-Agile Environment

Agility Within a Non-Agile Environment

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes This article explores the challenges and strategies for maintaining agility within a non-agile environments, emphasizing the importance of understanding organizational dynamics, generational differences, and sector-specific constraints. It offers practical solutions such as gaining senior support, respecting existing processes, effective communication, and gradual implementation of agile practices to achieve continuous improvement and successfully integrate agile methodologies.