Mouse Design Analyzed

Computer Aided Industrial Product Design

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Study Program:

Postgraduate Program on Computer Aided Industrial Product Design

(Certificate: Cademix Certified – Computer Aided Industrial Product Designer)

Choose Your Level

Choose Your Pace

Choose Your Platform

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and travel limitations, we currently recommend all participants to choose Blended (Hybrid) mode, to use the advantages of online and individual programs. Of course you will receive the 1-to-1 meeting with your instructors, receive the required Hardware / Software to word from home, and full project support for the selected plan.

Method: Hybrid / Blended
Phase 1: Online, Phase 2: Optional On-Campus & partner visits, Phase 3: Post-placement follow-up support.

Application Fee, Interview and First Info Session: 50 EUR

Link to Frequently Asked Questions

Program Language: English

Credits: 12 – 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

(Equivalent of 240 to 600 hours of Seminar, Learning Activity, Workshop Training and Project Work)

List of all Cademix Career Development Packages
Price Range (50 EUR – 10k EUR)

Javad Zarbakhsh VIP consultation Interview Office with 3D Printers CCARD Center of Computer Aided Research and Development Austria
Hightech Big Data

Next Cohort Schedule and Welcome Day:

(Continuous Admission is Open Now)

In EdTech 4.0, A cohort is a group of students who start a study program together, while each have their own personalized goals and curriculum.

[URIS id=332]

Why study Computer Aided Industrial Product Design

High Demand Jobs

One third of Open Positions in Industrial R&D in Europe are related to interdisciplinary topics, Computer Design, Engineering, Simulation, rapid manufacturing, Programming, Modeling, Data Analysis or related fields offered at Cademix. The rate is increasing.

Highly Paid Jobs

Interdisciplinary experts earn in average 10% to 20% higher salaries than comparable Engineering Job titles with traditional roles in industry.

Flexible Working

Most of interdisciplinary experts can easily negotiate and get a flexible Job. This includes Flexible working contracts, freelance working, Home-Office bonuses, and teleworking agreements.


About the Program

Industrial Product design is all about designing components and systems for industry and end consumers. These include, design of physical objects for household appliances, furniture, machinery, electronic devices and vehicle parts as well as the design of e-Products such as an icon or a mobile App interface. A product designer should consider many factors including the innovation, functionality, appearance, profitability, reliability, and environmental aspects. As a participant of this program, you will specialize in design, engineering, prototyping and commercializing innovations. You will also cooperate with expert from other departs and study programs including Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering, Material Scientists, Media Production, Digital Artists, and Entrepreneurs.


Mouse Design Analyzed

Syllabus & Course Modules

The Cademix Program on Industrial Product Design is a personalized, project based and practical training program that covers these topics:

Personalized Pathway | Modular Content

At Cademix, every Student is treated as a Business Partner and First Class Customer

Personalized Education Edtech

Cademix is equipped with the cutting edge technologies and communication system to provide modular and personalized courses to students.

This includes the communication with industries, future employers, international community and specially regular exchange with students to provide best course contents.

As a Student of Cademix, you will enjoy unique benefits:

Supervison Discussion

Dedicated Coach / Advisor

As a Student of Cademix, you will have a dedicated Coach and Advisor to discuss your technical as well as the personal and career issues.

You have the chance to join Weekly/Biweekly Meet-ups in the Campus or Online, or arrange private appointments. 

For further if on this, please contact us online.

Who Should Pursue This Program?

This Program is a Knowledge Upgrade and Career Accelerator for STEM graduates, who see the value and power of computer aided skills in the ongoing digital transformation. If you have a Bachelor or Master Degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, this is a perfect choice for you.

The Program is also designed to be an effective alternative to traditional University Master Degrees, which typically takes 2 years to complete, and usually cost you much more, especially if you consider the values of your time, and drawbacks of career delays.


Zarbakhsh Javad 3D Printed parts in hand


If you have a Bachelor Degree in an engineering or science discipline, then probably you already have most of technical prerequisites. If you have a different or equivalent educational background, you still may apply, however additional courses may be required. You are expected to have successfully taken previous undergraduate courses in calculus, physics and being familiar with MS Office tools and internet. It is an advantage, if you are familiar with one computer programming language and one CAD Software.

Your relevant job experience and training will be considered when we evaluate your application for prerequisite requirements. You will receive additional information and instructions, once you fill up the quick online application form.

Contact us Cademix
Featured image- Arduino-based study on effect of different parameters on cooling of water

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant interested in taking this program (On-Campus in Austria or Online from your home country), it is highly recommended that you fill out the Application Form as soon as possible, and partially start the program online. Please check out the Cademix Career Autopilot program if you wish to get a long term visa or interested in a job offer in Europe.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Note: These are approximate cost analysis for a typical student life and Cademix Full-Campus Programs. Please feel free to contact us if you need more accurate details.

Cost Benefit

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 – 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 – 600 EUR/Month

250 – 450 EUR/Month

50 – 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 – 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k – 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k – 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k – 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k – 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k – 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k – 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. If you are interested in a long term resident permit, or immigration to Europe, you should explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career  Autopilot Program.

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 - 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 - 600 EUR/Month

250 - 450 EUR/Month

50 - 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 - 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k - 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k - 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k - 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k - 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k - 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k - 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. Explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career Service.

Grants and scholarships

Cademix Students and Researchers can apply for scholarships, fellowships and funds, offered by Cademix as well as other institutions. The availability of the supports depends on many factors, including your fields of study, your skills, your country of origin and your academic level.

The Cademix Grant and Aid may cover up to 100% of the Tuition Fee, in form a transferable Voucher (Cademix Virtual Currency). Alternatively the student can use their vouchers to register for another Programs offered by Cademix or our partners.

Some of the Funding available to post-graduate students are: Erasmus+ Internships and study abroad Period, Ernst Mach Grant, Franz Werfel Grant, Monbukagakusho Grant and Richard Plaschka Grant.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

The Students can contact the Cademix Career Center, or talk to their Supervisors to get further details on open job opportunities on Campus, or in collaboration with industry. You may simply get involved in some activities and voluntary tasks and get up to 50% of your tuition fees back. 

Students directly involved in the Marketing and Sales activities can get reimbursement up to 100% of their tuition fees and even earn more.

Cademix 100 EUR Money Reward
2024 GDP/PPP Map 2024
2014 GDP/PPP Map 2014

Special  Discount for Low Income Countries

If you are from a low income country (whether your Nationality or your Residence country), you may be eligible for Cademix Discount Tuition fees. The calculation is based on GDP(PPP) per capita of the countries. The following countries are considered as high income countries:

Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahrain; Belgium; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Luxembourg; Macao SAR; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Oman; Puerto Rico; Qatar; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States

Here is a full list of countries with corresponding discount rates:

Country Group 1
5% Discount

Bahamas, The; Estonia; Hungary; Lithuania; Poland; Portugal; Slovak Republic; Trinidad and Tobago

Country Group 2
10% Discount

Antigua and Barbuda; Croatia; Greece; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Malaysia; Romania; Russian Federation; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Seychelles

Country Group 3
15% Discount

Bulgaria; Chile; Maldives; Mauritius; Panama; Turkey; Uruguay

Country Group 4
20% Discount

Argentina; Azerbaijan; Barbados; Belarus; Botswana; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon; Iran; Iraq; Mexico; Montenegro; Serbia; Thailand; Turkmenistan

Country Group 5
25% Discount

Albania; Algeria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Colombia; Egypt; Grenada; Indonesia; Lebanon; Mongolia; North Macedonia ; Palau; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Lucia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Tunisia

Country Group 6
30% Discount

Armenia; Belize; Bhutan; Bolivia; Cabo Verde; Dominica; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eswatini; Fiji; Georgia; Guatemala; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Jordan; Kosovo; Lao P.D.R.; Libya; Moldova; Morocco; Namibia; Nauru; Philippines; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vietnam

Country Group 7
35% Discount

Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Cambodia; Cameroon; Chad; Congo, Republic of ; Côte d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Ethiopia; Gambia, The; Ghana; Honduras; Kenya; Kyrgyz Republic; Lesotho; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Micronesia, Fed. States of; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Senegal; Sudan; São Tomé and Príncipe; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Syria; Venezuela

Country Group 8
40% Discount

Afghanistan; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Central African Republic; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Eritrea; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Haiti; Kiribati; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Niger; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; South Sudan, Republic of; Togo; Yemen

Note: These discounts are not automatically applied across all services. Instead, we ensure that individuals from low-income countries have multiple opportunities to access these discounts. The discount rates are approximate and subject to individual assessment. Additionally, the availability of these discounts may depend on voluntary contributions within the CXC (Cademix Coin) Virtual Currency framework. This mechanism allows for flexible, community-driven financial support, ensuring that eligible candidates receive fair access to educational opportunities.

Cademix Two-Step Application

Maximum Efficiency and minimum Bureaucracy

First Step: Send your CV/Resume to

and a voice message on WhatsApp +43 650 967 7080

Don’t forget to mention your career goals and study program(s) you wish to apply.

Deadline: We currently have no Application Deadlines: Continuous Admission is now open

We try our best to keep the timeline up-to-date and realistic. If you are an international student or you need visa for traveling to Europe, you should consider the additional visa processing time depending on the country of origin.

Job and Industry Sectors​

Career Tip: These Sectors include major industries, companies, and research groups, which have high demand for skills related to the field. For further career tips, and targeting a specific career goal, please contact us for a free-of-charge career counseling session.

Topics Covered in the Program

Wave Propagation in Periodic Media
Modeling of linear and nonlinear effects
Strategies for Noise Reduction
Standardization techniques
Design for homogeneous acoustic performance
Organic Materials for Acoustic Applications

The following topics are essential and relevant to all programs at Cademix Institute of Technology.

  • Simulation Technologies
  • Computer Aided Design techniques and relevant tools
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing incl. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Printing
  • Strategies for choosing optimum ICT tools, including Computer Programming Languages and Computer Software
  • Engineering Project  Management
  • Design of Experiment and Performing Automated Virtual Experimentation
  • Communication Skills
  • Time and Resource Management
  • Goal setting and Prioritizing
  • Technical Writing
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Work Ethic and Integrity

Contact Cademix to Apply and request further details:

Note: Cademix Institute of technology does not offer traditional degree programs, such as Bachelor, Master or PhD that usually takes several years. As an efficient and high ROI alternative, we offer short term flexible non-degree certificates, diploma Programs and Career pathways. Get further information on Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Page.

Choose Two Subjects (Major + Minor)

Already decided on a major Topic? Now it’s time to think about a Second Topic – Minor! To graduate on a second topic as Minor, you need to pass at least 50% of the courses. Because of the content overlaps, you may use the same courses or similar project works to fulfill the requirements in both a major and a minor, as long as you still pass 30% of the units in the minor that have a different course topic than your major.

The right Minor for you not only allows you to earn a second certificate and broaden your career, but it also increase your employ-ability and help you find more jobs after graduation.

How to choose a Minor?

The best Advise is to choose major based on your career goals and select a complementary minor mainly based on your interests. 

The Minor adds value to your Major career path, complements it and shows the potential employers that you have multiple expertise in several fields. For example, you can major in Engineering  and minor in Project Management or Entrepreneurship. So after graduation you are well qualified to apply for a Engineering Group Leader Position or Start your own Engineering Business.

Remember with a few more courses you can always turn your minor into your second major!


Take the Next Step : Zero Bureaucracy

Get started!

Simply contact us and we will offer you a personalized advise which program is most suitable for you.

Simple Contact through Email, Skype, WhatsApp or Social Media.

Start Your Application Now!

Ready to take action now? Head to the Admission Page and send your CV. We offer the fastest admission processing in Europe, any time of the year.

Discover the Latest Cademix Events, Webinars and Meetups.

Preparedness for Emergencies and Online Adaptation

At Cademix, we have gained valuable insights from the COVID-19 lockdowns and have continuously improved our adaptability. We are always prepared to shift all activities to an online mode in response to any emergency, whether it be a blackout, lockdown, or other unexpected disruptions. In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we ensure that our educational programs and consulting services remain accessible, reliable, and seamlessly operational under any circumstances. Our agile approach guarantees that learning and professional development continue without interruption, regardless of external challenges.

Coronavirus bar

For Students and Job-seekers

For Business Clients

I think I’m lucky I would say, because I met you very early in 2016, right after two months after coming to Austria and then you guided me well. For one year, we work together. And later on, because of your support I moved to reputed car manufacturing companies, Hispano-Suiza and Magna Steyr, and also I’m getting lots of interview calls… You guided me well, like, now you should learn this and now that, so it was a step by step process as I said before if you have a nice mentor, you can go in a right direction and you can learn a lot. So, that’s how I can say.

An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.

Get in touch


Cademix Institute of Technology
Hauptstrasse 9,
7512 Kirchfidisch
Burgenland, Austria

Virtual Tour  | Media Gallery

Make an Appointment (Online or On-Site)   |

+ 43 650 967 7080 (Phone / WhatsApp)

WeChat ID: cademix

LinkedIn (Cademix)

Digital Art Abstract Neon 1200 300

Digital Art and Digital Media

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Study Program:

Postgraduate Program on Digital Art and Digital Media

(Certificate: Cademix Certified Digital Artist)

Choose Your Level

Choose Your Pace

Choose Your Platform

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and travel limitations, we currently recommend all participants to choose Blended (Hybrid) mode, to use the advantages of online and individual programs. Of course you will receive the 1-to-1 meeting with your instructors, receive the required Hardware / Software to word from home, and full project support for the selected plan.

Method: Hybrid / Blended
Phase 1: Online, Phase 2: Optional On-Campus & partner visits, Phase 3: Post-placement follow-up support.

Application Fee, Interview and First Info Session: 50 EUR

Link to Frequently Asked Questions

Program Language: English

Credits: 12 – 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

(Equivalent of 240 to 600 hours of Seminar, Learning Activity, Workshop Training and Project Work)

List of all Cademix Career Development Packages
Price Range (50 EUR – 10k EUR)

Javad Zarbakhsh VIP consultation Interview Office with 3D Printers CCARD Center of Computer Aided Research and Development Austria
Hightech Big Data

Next Cohort Schedule and Welcome Day:

(Continuous Admission is Open Now)

In EdTech 4.0, A cohort is a group of students who start a study program together, while each have their own personalized goals and curriculum.

[URIS id=332]

Why study Digital Art and Digital Media

High Demand Jobs

One third of Open Positions in Industrial R&D in Europe are related to interdisciplinary topics, Computer Design, Engineering, Simulation, rapid manufacturing, Programming, Modeling, Data Analysis or related fields offered at Cademix. The rate is increasing.

Highly Paid Jobs

Interdisciplinary experts earn in average 10% to 20% higher salaries than comparable Engineering Job titles with traditional roles in industry.

Flexible Working

Most of interdisciplinary experts can easily negotiate and get a flexible Job. This includes Flexible working contracts, freelance working, Home-Office bonuses, and teleworking agreements.

Digital Art Abstract Neon 1200 300

About the Program

Do you want to go enhance your artistic abilities and adopt them to the state of the art technologies? This program allows you to build on your foundation and expand beyond the traditional arts. In this Program you will expand your knowledge in various technologies and tools used in Digital Art and Digital Media including subjects like digital sculpting, digital painting, character design, and other specializations within the digital media industries. You will also get practical knowledge to use 3D Printing, CNC technologies to manufacture your artwork and used the basics of electronic and robotics to design dynamical Media.


Artwork Head Mask
Cademix Logo Flow Simulated

You will also learn the basics of Computer Aided Design, Simulation and rapid manufacturing in 2D and 3D to get the maximum capability in the field. For doing the project on this field you will collaborate with Expert and Participants of other disciplines, including the Participants of Engineering and Computer Science Programs to improve your multidisciplinary Team work and communication skills.

Syllabus & Course Modules

The Cademix Program on Digital Art and Digital Media is a personalized, project based and practical training program that covers these topics:

Personalized Pathway | Modular Content

At Cademix, every Student is treated as a Business Partner and First Class Customer

Personalized Education Edtech

Cademix is equipped with the cutting edge technologies and communication system to provide modular and personalized courses to students.

This includes the communication with industries, future employers, international community and specially regular exchange with students to provide best course contents.

As a Student of Cademix, you will enjoy unique benefits:

Supervison Discussion

Dedicated Coach / Advisor

As a Student of Cademix, you will have a dedicated Coach and Advisor to discuss your technical as well as the personal and career issues.

You have the chance to join Weekly/Biweekly Meet-ups in the Campus or Online, or arrange private appointments. 

For further if on this, please contact us online.

Who Should Pursue This Program?

This Program is a Knowledge Upgrade and Career Accelerator for STEM graduates, who see the value and power of computer aided skills in the ongoing digital transformation. If you have a Bachelor or Master Degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, this is a perfect choice for you.

The Program is also designed to be an effective alternative to traditional University Master Degrees, which typically takes 2 years to complete, and usually cost you much more, especially if you consider the values of your time, and drawbacks of career delays.


Zarbakhsh Javad 3D Printed parts in hand


If you have a Bachelor Degree in an engineering or science discipline, then probably you already have most of technical prerequisites. If you have a different or equivalent educational background, you still may apply, however additional courses may be required. You are expected to have successfully taken previous undergraduate courses in calculus, physics and being familiar with MS Office tools and internet. It is an advantage, if you are familiar with one computer programming language and one CAD Software.

Your relevant job experience and training will be considered when we evaluate your application for prerequisite requirements. You will receive additional information and instructions, once you fill up the quick online application form.

Contact us Cademix
Featured image- Arduino-based study on effect of different parameters on cooling of water

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant interested in taking this program (On-Campus in Austria or Online from your home country), it is highly recommended that you fill out the Application Form as soon as possible, and partially start the program online. Please check out the Cademix Career Autopilot program if you wish to get a long term visa or interested in a job offer in Europe.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Note: These are approximate cost analysis for a typical student life and Cademix Full-Campus Programs. Please feel free to contact us if you need more accurate details.

Cost Benefit

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 – 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 – 600 EUR/Month

250 – 450 EUR/Month

50 – 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 – 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k – 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k – 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k – 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k – 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k – 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k – 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. If you are interested in a long term resident permit, or immigration to Europe, you should explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career  Autopilot Program.

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 - 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 - 600 EUR/Month

250 - 450 EUR/Month

50 - 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 - 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k - 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k - 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k - 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k - 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k - 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k - 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. Explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career Service.

Grants and scholarships

Cademix Students and Researchers can apply for scholarships, fellowships and funds, offered by Cademix as well as other institutions. The availability of the supports depends on many factors, including your fields of study, your skills, your country of origin and your academic level.

The Cademix Grant and Aid may cover up to 100% of the Tuition Fee, in form a transferable Voucher (Cademix Virtual Currency). Alternatively the student can use their vouchers to register for another Programs offered by Cademix or our partners.

Some of the Funding available to post-graduate students are: Erasmus+ Internships and study abroad Period, Ernst Mach Grant, Franz Werfel Grant, Monbukagakusho Grant and Richard Plaschka Grant.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

The Students can contact the Cademix Career Center, or talk to their Supervisors to get further details on open job opportunities on Campus, or in collaboration with industry. You may simply get involved in some activities and voluntary tasks and get up to 50% of your tuition fees back. 

Students directly involved in the Marketing and Sales activities can get reimbursement up to 100% of their tuition fees and even earn more.

Cademix 100 EUR Money Reward
2024 GDP/PPP Map 2024
2014 GDP/PPP Map 2014

Special  Discount for Low Income Countries

If you are from a low income country (whether your Nationality or your Residence country), you may be eligible for Cademix Discount Tuition fees. The calculation is based on GDP(PPP) per capita of the countries. The following countries are considered as high income countries:

Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahrain; Belgium; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Luxembourg; Macao SAR; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Oman; Puerto Rico; Qatar; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States

Here is a full list of countries with corresponding discount rates:

Country Group 1
5% Discount

Bahamas, The; Estonia; Hungary; Lithuania; Poland; Portugal; Slovak Republic; Trinidad and Tobago

Country Group 2
10% Discount

Antigua and Barbuda; Croatia; Greece; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Malaysia; Romania; Russian Federation; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Seychelles

Country Group 3
15% Discount

Bulgaria; Chile; Maldives; Mauritius; Panama; Turkey; Uruguay

Country Group 4
20% Discount

Argentina; Azerbaijan; Barbados; Belarus; Botswana; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon; Iran; Iraq; Mexico; Montenegro; Serbia; Thailand; Turkmenistan

Country Group 5
25% Discount

Albania; Algeria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Colombia; Egypt; Grenada; Indonesia; Lebanon; Mongolia; North Macedonia ; Palau; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Lucia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Tunisia

Country Group 6
30% Discount

Armenia; Belize; Bhutan; Bolivia; Cabo Verde; Dominica; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eswatini; Fiji; Georgia; Guatemala; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Jordan; Kosovo; Lao P.D.R.; Libya; Moldova; Morocco; Namibia; Nauru; Philippines; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vietnam

Country Group 7
35% Discount

Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Cambodia; Cameroon; Chad; Congo, Republic of ; Côte d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Ethiopia; Gambia, The; Ghana; Honduras; Kenya; Kyrgyz Republic; Lesotho; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Micronesia, Fed. States of; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Senegal; Sudan; São Tomé and Príncipe; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Syria; Venezuela

Country Group 8
40% Discount

Afghanistan; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Central African Republic; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Eritrea; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Haiti; Kiribati; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Niger; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; South Sudan, Republic of; Togo; Yemen

Note: These discounts are not automatically applied across all services. Instead, we ensure that individuals from low-income countries have multiple opportunities to access these discounts. The discount rates are approximate and subject to individual assessment. Additionally, the availability of these discounts may depend on voluntary contributions within the CXC (Cademix Coin) Virtual Currency framework. This mechanism allows for flexible, community-driven financial support, ensuring that eligible candidates receive fair access to educational opportunities.

Cademix Two-Step Application

Maximum Efficiency and minimum Bureaucracy

First Step: Send your CV/Resume to

and a voice message on WhatsApp +43 650 967 7080

Don’t forget to mention your career goals and study program(s) you wish to apply.

Deadline: We currently have no Application Deadlines: Continuous Admission is now open

We try our best to keep the timeline up-to-date and realistic. If you are an international student or you need visa for traveling to Europe, you should consider the additional visa processing time depending on the country of origin.

Job and Industry Sectors​

Career Tip: These Sectors include major industries, companies, and research groups, which have high demand for skills related to the field. For further career tips, and targeting a specific career goal, please contact us for a free-of-charge career counseling session.

Topics Covered in the Program

Digital Painting and Sculpting in 2D and 3D
2D and 3D Character Design, Game Design
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Visual effects, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Digital Audio and Music Synthesis
Design and implementation of robotics systems for Art Production
Developing Computer Programs for intelligent Art creation

The following topics are essential and relevant to all programs at Cademix Institute of Technology.

  • Simulation Technologies
  • Computer Aided Design techniques and relevant tools
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing incl. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Printing
  • Strategies for choosing optimum ICT tools, including Computer Programming Languages and Computer Software
  • Engineering Project  Management
  • Design of Experiment and Performing Automated Virtual Experimentation
  • Communication Skills
  • Time and Resource Management
  • Goal setting and Prioritizing
  • Technical Writing
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Work Ethic and Integrity

Contact Cademix to Apply and request further details:

Note: Cademix Institute of technology does not offer traditional degree programs, such as Bachelor, Master or PhD that usually takes several years. As an efficient and high ROI alternative, we offer short term flexible non-degree certificates, diploma Programs and Career pathways. Get further information on Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Page.

Choose Two Subjects (Major + Minor)

Already decided on a major Topic? Now it’s time to think about a Second Topic – Minor! To graduate on a second topic as Minor, you need to pass at least 50% of the courses. Because of the content overlaps, you may use the same courses or similar project works to fulfill the requirements in both a major and a minor, as long as you still pass 30% of the units in the minor that have a different course topic than your major.

The right Minor for you not only allows you to earn a second certificate and broaden your career, but it also increase your employ-ability and help you find more jobs after graduation.

How to choose a Minor?

The best Advise is to choose major based on your career goals and select a complementary minor mainly based on your interests. 

The Minor adds value to your Major career path, complements it and shows the potential employers that you have multiple expertise in several fields. For example, you can major in Engineering  and minor in Project Management or Entrepreneurship. So after graduation you are well qualified to apply for a Engineering Group Leader Position or Start your own Engineering Business.

Remember with a few more courses you can always turn your minor into your second major!


Take the Next Step : Zero Bureaucracy

Get started!

Simply contact us and we will offer you a personalized advise which program is most suitable for you.

Simple Contact through Email, Skype, WhatsApp or Social Media.

Start Your Application Now!

Ready to take action now? Head to the Admission Page and send your CV. We offer the fastest admission processing in Europe, any time of the year.

Discover the Latest Cademix Events, Webinars and Meetups.

Preparedness for Emergencies and Online Adaptation

At Cademix, we have gained valuable insights from the COVID-19 lockdowns and have continuously improved our adaptability. We are always prepared to shift all activities to an online mode in response to any emergency, whether it be a blackout, lockdown, or other unexpected disruptions. In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we ensure that our educational programs and consulting services remain accessible, reliable, and seamlessly operational under any circumstances. Our agile approach guarantees that learning and professional development continue without interruption, regardless of external challenges.

Coronavirus bar

For Students and Job-seekers

For Business Clients

I think I’m lucky I would say, because I met you very early in 2016, right after two months after coming to Austria and then you guided me well. For one year, we work together. And later on, because of your support I moved to reputed car manufacturing companies, Hispano-Suiza and Magna Steyr, and also I’m getting lots of interview calls… You guided me well, like, now you should learn this and now that, so it was a step by step process as I said before if you have a nice mentor, you can go in a right direction and you can learn a lot. So, that’s how I can say.

An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.

Get in touch


Cademix Institute of Technology
Hauptstrasse 9,
7512 Kirchfidisch
Burgenland, Austria

Virtual Tour  | Media Gallery

Make an Appointment (Online or On-Site)   |

+ 43 650 967 7080 (Phone / WhatsApp)

WeChat ID: cademix

LinkedIn (Cademix)


Digital Film Production

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Study Program:

Postgraduate Program on Digital Film Production

(Certificate: Cademix Certified – Digital Film Producer)

Choose Your Level

Choose Your Pace

Choose Your Platform

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and travel limitations, we currently recommend all participants to choose Blended (Hybrid) mode, to use the advantages of online and individual programs. Of course you will receive the 1-to-1 meeting with your instructors, receive the required Hardware / Software to word from home, and full project support for the selected plan.

Method: Hybrid / Blended
Phase 1: Online, Phase 2: Optional On-Campus & partner visits, Phase 3: Post-placement follow-up support.

Application Fee, Interview and First Info Session: 50 EUR

Link to Frequently Asked Questions

Program Language: English

Credits: 12 – 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

(Equivalent of 240 to 600 hours of Seminar, Learning Activity, Workshop Training and Project Work)

List of all Cademix Career Development Packages
Price Range (50 EUR – 10k EUR)

Javad Zarbakhsh VIP consultation Interview Office with 3D Printers CCARD Center of Computer Aided Research and Development Austria
Hightech Big Data

Next Cohort Schedule and Welcome Day:

(Continuous Admission is Open Now)

In EdTech 4.0, A cohort is a group of students who start a study program together, while each have their own personalized goals and curriculum.

[URIS id=332]

Why study Digital Film Production ?

High Demand Jobs

One third of Open Positions in Industrial R&D in Europe are related to interdisciplinary topics, Computer Design, Engineering, Simulation, rapid manufacturing, Programming, Modeling, Data Analysis or related fields offered at Cademix. The rate is increasing.

Highly Paid Jobs

Interdisciplinary experts earn in average 10% to 20% higher salaries than comparable Engineering Job titles with traditional roles in industry.

Flexible Working

Most of interdisciplinary experts can easily negotiate and get a flexible Job. This includes Flexible working contracts, freelance working, Home-Office bonuses, and teleworking agreements.


About the Program

Do you have Passion for high tech video film production? Do you love to tell stories with excitation and best modern techniques?  Do you want to start and strengthen your career in the filmmaking industry? Here is the Perfect Place for you.

Film Production is one of the major components of the modern society. As of 2018, the global film industry is worth $136 billion, according to IBISWorld. Beside the huge economical impact, the film production industry has a huge Role in Society. It has the capacity and is directly influencing the lives, culture habits, and values of citizens. With the raise of the digital technologies, internet and social media, the film production also influences the other technologies, including marketing.

At Cademix Institute of Technology program on Digital Film Production film, the students learn and create the full pipeline for Production of Live Action Scenes, 2D and 3D Animation techniques, and stop motion animations. The Program also teaches you everything relating to production and the film industry, the relevant knowledge and projects that demonstrate your well-honed skills.  The participants of the program work together with members of other departments, to build interdisciplinary production team of artists, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs and marketing experts. 

Green screen

Syllabus & Course Modules

The Cademix Program on Digital Film Production is a personalized, project based and practical training program that covers these topics:

Personalized Pathway | Modular Content

At Cademix, every Student is treated as a Business Partner and First Class Customer

Personalized Education Edtech

Cademix is equipped with the cutting edge technologies and communication system to provide modular and personalized courses to students.

This includes the communication with industries, future employers, international community and specially regular exchange with students to provide best course contents.

As a Student of Cademix, you will enjoy unique benefits:

Supervison Discussion

Dedicated Coach / Advisor

As a Student of Cademix, you will have a dedicated Coach and Advisor to discuss your technical as well as the personal and career issues.

You have the chance to join Weekly/Biweekly Meet-ups in the Campus or Online, or arrange private appointments. 

For further if on this, please contact us online.

Who Should Pursue This Program?

This Program is a Knowledge Upgrade and Career Accelerator for STEM graduates, who see the value and power of computer aided skills in the ongoing digital transformation. If you have a Bachelor or Master Degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, this is a perfect choice for you.

The Program is also designed to be an effective alternative to traditional University Master Degrees, which typically takes 2 years to complete, and usually cost you much more, especially if you consider the values of your time, and drawbacks of career delays.


Zarbakhsh Javad 3D Printed parts in hand


If you have a Bachelor Degree in an engineering or science discipline, then probably you already have most of technical prerequisites. If you have a different or equivalent educational background, you still may apply, however additional courses may be required. You are expected to have successfully taken previous undergraduate courses in calculus, physics and being familiar with MS Office tools and internet. It is an advantage, if you are familiar with one computer programming language and one CAD Software.

Your relevant job experience and training will be considered when we evaluate your application for prerequisite requirements. You will receive additional information and instructions, once you fill up the quick online application form.

Contact us Cademix
Featured image- Arduino-based study on effect of different parameters on cooling of water

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant interested in taking this program (On-Campus in Austria or Online from your home country), it is highly recommended that you fill out the Application Form as soon as possible, and partially start the program online. Please check out the Cademix Career Autopilot program if you wish to get a long term visa or interested in a job offer in Europe.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Note: These are approximate cost analysis for a typical student life and Cademix Full-Campus Programs. Please feel free to contact us if you need more accurate details.

Cost Benefit

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 – 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 – 600 EUR/Month

250 – 450 EUR/Month

50 – 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 – 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k – 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k – 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k – 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k – 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k – 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k – 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. If you are interested in a long term resident permit, or immigration to Europe, you should explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career  Autopilot Program.

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 - 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 - 600 EUR/Month

250 - 450 EUR/Month

50 - 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 - 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k - 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k - 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k - 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k - 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k - 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k - 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. Explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career Service.

Grants and scholarships

Cademix Students and Researchers can apply for scholarships, fellowships and funds, offered by Cademix as well as other institutions. The availability of the supports depends on many factors, including your fields of study, your skills, your country of origin and your academic level.

The Cademix Grant and Aid may cover up to 100% of the Tuition Fee, in form a transferable Voucher (Cademix Virtual Currency). Alternatively the student can use their vouchers to register for another Programs offered by Cademix or our partners.

Some of the Funding available to post-graduate students are: Erasmus+ Internships and study abroad Period, Ernst Mach Grant, Franz Werfel Grant, Monbukagakusho Grant and Richard Plaschka Grant.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

The Students can contact the Cademix Career Center, or talk to their Supervisors to get further details on open job opportunities on Campus, or in collaboration with industry. You may simply get involved in some activities and voluntary tasks and get up to 50% of your tuition fees back. 

Students directly involved in the Marketing and Sales activities can get reimbursement up to 100% of their tuition fees and even earn more.

Cademix 100 EUR Money Reward
2024 GDP/PPP Map 2024
2014 GDP/PPP Map 2014

Special  Discount for Low Income Countries

If you are from a low income country (whether your Nationality or your Residence country), you may be eligible for Cademix Discount Tuition fees. The calculation is based on GDP(PPP) per capita of the countries. The following countries are considered as high income countries:

Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahrain; Belgium; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Luxembourg; Macao SAR; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Oman; Puerto Rico; Qatar; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States

Here is a full list of countries with corresponding discount rates:

Country Group 1
5% Discount

Bahamas, The; Estonia; Hungary; Lithuania; Poland; Portugal; Slovak Republic; Trinidad and Tobago

Country Group 2
10% Discount

Antigua and Barbuda; Croatia; Greece; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Malaysia; Romania; Russian Federation; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Seychelles

Country Group 3
15% Discount

Bulgaria; Chile; Maldives; Mauritius; Panama; Turkey; Uruguay

Country Group 4
20% Discount

Argentina; Azerbaijan; Barbados; Belarus; Botswana; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon; Iran; Iraq; Mexico; Montenegro; Serbia; Thailand; Turkmenistan

Country Group 5
25% Discount

Albania; Algeria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Colombia; Egypt; Grenada; Indonesia; Lebanon; Mongolia; North Macedonia ; Palau; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Lucia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Tunisia

Country Group 6
30% Discount

Armenia; Belize; Bhutan; Bolivia; Cabo Verde; Dominica; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eswatini; Fiji; Georgia; Guatemala; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Jordan; Kosovo; Lao P.D.R.; Libya; Moldova; Morocco; Namibia; Nauru; Philippines; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vietnam

Country Group 7
35% Discount

Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Cambodia; Cameroon; Chad; Congo, Republic of ; Côte d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Ethiopia; Gambia, The; Ghana; Honduras; Kenya; Kyrgyz Republic; Lesotho; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Micronesia, Fed. States of; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Senegal; Sudan; São Tomé and Príncipe; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Syria; Venezuela

Country Group 8
40% Discount

Afghanistan; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Central African Republic; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Eritrea; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Haiti; Kiribati; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Niger; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; South Sudan, Republic of; Togo; Yemen

Note: These discounts are not automatically applied across all services. Instead, we ensure that individuals from low-income countries have multiple opportunities to access these discounts. The discount rates are approximate and subject to individual assessment. Additionally, the availability of these discounts may depend on voluntary contributions within the CXC (Cademix Coin) Virtual Currency framework. This mechanism allows for flexible, community-driven financial support, ensuring that eligible candidates receive fair access to educational opportunities.

Cademix Two-Step Application

Maximum Efficiency and minimum Bureaucracy

First Step: Send your CV/Resume to

and a voice message on WhatsApp +43 650 967 7080

Don’t forget to mention your career goals and study program(s) you wish to apply.

Deadline: We currently have no Application Deadlines: Continuous Admission is now open

We try our best to keep the timeline up-to-date and realistic. If you are an international student or you need visa for traveling to Europe, you should consider the additional visa processing time depending on the country of origin.

Job and Industry Sectors​

Career Tip: These Sectors include major industries, companies, and research groups, which have high demand for skills related to the field. For further career tips, and targeting a specific career goal, please contact us for a free-of-charge career counseling session.

Topics Covered in the Program

Wave Propagation in Periodic Media
Modeling of linear and nonlinear effects
Strategies for Noise Reduction
Standardization techniques
Design for homogeneous acoustic performance
Organic Materials for Acoustic Applications

The following topics are essential and relevant to all programs at Cademix Institute of Technology.

  • Simulation Technologies
  • Computer Aided Design techniques and relevant tools
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing incl. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Printing
  • Strategies for choosing optimum ICT tools, including Computer Programming Languages and Computer Software
  • Engineering Project  Management
  • Design of Experiment and Performing Automated Virtual Experimentation
  • Communication Skills
  • Time and Resource Management
  • Goal setting and Prioritizing
  • Technical Writing
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Work Ethic and Integrity

Contact Cademix to Apply and request further details:

Note: Cademix Institute of technology does not offer traditional degree programs, such as Bachelor, Master or PhD that usually takes several years. As an efficient and high ROI alternative, we offer short term flexible non-degree certificates, diploma Programs and Career pathways. Get further information on Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Page.

Choose Two Subjects (Major + Minor)

Already decided on a major Topic? Now it’s time to think about a Second Topic – Minor! To graduate on a second topic as Minor, you need to pass at least 50% of the courses. Because of the content overlaps, you may use the same courses or similar project works to fulfill the requirements in both a major and a minor, as long as you still pass 30% of the units in the minor that have a different course topic than your major.

The right Minor for you not only allows you to earn a second certificate and broaden your career, but it also increase your employ-ability and help you find more jobs after graduation.

How to choose a Minor?

The best Advise is to choose major based on your career goals and select a complementary minor mainly based on your interests. 

The Minor adds value to your Major career path, complements it and shows the potential employers that you have multiple expertise in several fields. For example, you can major in Engineering  and minor in Project Management or Entrepreneurship. So after graduation you are well qualified to apply for a Engineering Group Leader Position or Start your own Engineering Business.

Remember with a few more courses you can always turn your minor into your second major!


Take the Next Step : Zero Bureaucracy

Get started!

Simply contact us and we will offer you a personalized advise which program is most suitable for you.

Simple Contact through Email, Skype, WhatsApp or Social Media.

Start Your Application Now!

Ready to take action now? Head to the Admission Page and send your CV. We offer the fastest admission processing in Europe, any time of the year.

Discover the Latest Cademix Events, Webinars and Meetups.

Preparedness for Emergencies and Online Adaptation

At Cademix, we have gained valuable insights from the COVID-19 lockdowns and have continuously improved our adaptability. We are always prepared to shift all activities to an online mode in response to any emergency, whether it be a blackout, lockdown, or other unexpected disruptions. In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we ensure that our educational programs and consulting services remain accessible, reliable, and seamlessly operational under any circumstances. Our agile approach guarantees that learning and professional development continue without interruption, regardless of external challenges.

Coronavirus bar

For Students and Job-seekers

For Business Clients

I think I’m lucky I would say, because I met you very early in 2016, right after two months after coming to Austria and then you guided me well. For one year, we work together. And later on, because of your support I moved to reputed car manufacturing companies, Hispano-Suiza and Magna Steyr, and also I’m getting lots of interview calls… You guided me well, like, now you should learn this and now that, so it was a step by step process as I said before if you have a nice mentor, you can go in a right direction and you can learn a lot. So, that’s how I can say.

An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.

Get in touch


Cademix Institute of Technology
Hauptstrasse 9,
7512 Kirchfidisch
Burgenland, Austria

Virtual Tour  | Media Gallery

Make an Appointment (Online or On-Site)   |

+ 43 650 967 7080 (Phone / WhatsApp)

WeChat ID: cademix

LinkedIn (Cademix)

Fire Computer Generated 1200 300

3D Modeling, Animation and Visual Effects

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Study Program (Weiterbildung, Continuing Education):

Postgraduate Program on 3D Modeling, Animation and Visual Effects

(Certificate: Cademix Certified – 3D Animation & VFX Expert)

Choose Your Level

Choose Your Pace

Choose Your Platform

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and travel limitations, we currently recommend all participants to choose Blended (Hybrid) mode, to use the advantages of online and individual programs. Of course you will receive the 1-to-1 meeting with your instructors, receive the required Hardware / Software to word from home, and full project support for the selected plan.

Method: Hybrid / Blended
Phase 1: Online, Phase 2: Optional On-Campus & partner visits, Phase 3: Post-placement follow-up support.

Application Fee, Interview and First Info Session: 50 EUR

Link to Frequently Asked Questions

Program Language: English

Credits: 12 – 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

(Equivalent of 240 to 600 hours of Seminar, Learning Activity, Workshop Training and Project Work)

List of all Cademix Career Development Packages
Price Range (50 EUR – 10k EUR)

Javad Zarbakhsh VIP consultation Interview Office with 3D Printers CCARD Center of Computer Aided Research and Development Austria
Hightech Big Data

Next Cohort Schedule and Welcome Day:

(Continuous Admission is Open Now)

In EdTech 4.0, A cohort is a group of students who start a study program together, while each have their own personalized goals and curriculum.

[URIS id=332]

Why study 3D Modeling, Animation and Visual Effects

High Demand Jobs

One third of Open Positions in Industrial R&D in Europe are related to interdisciplinary topics, Computer Design, Engineering, Simulation, rapid manufacturing, Programming, Modeling, Data Analysis or related fields offered at Cademix. The rate is increasing.

Highly Paid Jobs

Interdisciplinary experts earn in average 10% to 20% higher salaries than comparable Engineering Job titles with traditional roles in industry.

Flexible Working

Most of interdisciplinary experts can easily negotiate and get a flexible Job. This includes Flexible working contracts, freelance working, Home-Office bonuses, and teleworking agreements.

Fire Computer Generated 1200 300

About the Program

Are you passionate about 3D animation stories and emotional scenes starring by imaginary characters? Do you wish to have your own Animation and VFX Studio or join an existing one? Do you have talent for Computer Aided Design and Modeling? Here is the perfect place for you to follow you dreams.

At Cademix Institute of Technology program on 3D Modeling, Animation and Visual Effects, the students learn and create the full 3D Models, and animation pipelines. This includes Production of 2D and 3D animation scenes, Visual effects, stop motion animations. The Program also teaches you everything related to production and the high tech film industry, including usage of 3D Scanning, Character Motions Captures, 3D Printing techniques and lots of modeling and VFX techniques. The final project helps you to bring all your expertise into a unique product for commercialization purpose and to showcase your expertise.

Deer 300 400

Syllabus & Course Modules

The Cademix Program on 3D Modeling, Animation and Visual Effects is a personalized, project based and practical training program that covers these topics:

Personalized Pathway | Modular Content

At Cademix, every Student is treated as a Business Partner and First Class Customer

Personalized Education Edtech

Cademix is equipped with the cutting edge technologies and communication system to provide modular and personalized courses to students.

This includes the communication with industries, future employers, international community and specially regular exchange with students to provide best course contents.

As a Student of Cademix, you will enjoy unique benefits:

Supervison Discussion

Dedicated Coach / Advisor

As a Student of Cademix, you will have a dedicated Coach and Advisor to discuss your technical as well as the personal and career issues.

You have the chance to join Weekly/Biweekly Meet-ups in the Campus or Online, or arrange private appointments. 

For further if on this, please contact us online.

Who Should Pursue This Program?

This Program is a Knowledge Upgrade and Career Accelerator for STEM graduates, who see the value and power of computer aided skills in the ongoing digital transformation. If you have a Bachelor or Master Degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, this is a perfect choice for you.

The Program is also designed to be an effective alternative to traditional University Master Degrees, which typically takes 2 years to complete, and usually cost you much more, especially if you consider the values of your time, and drawbacks of career delays.


Zarbakhsh Javad 3D Printed parts in hand


If you have a Bachelor Degree in an engineering or science discipline, then probably you already have most of technical prerequisites. If you have a different or equivalent educational background, you still may apply, however additional courses may be required. You are expected to have successfully taken previous undergraduate courses in calculus, physics and being familiar with MS Office tools and internet. It is an advantage, if you are familiar with one computer programming language and one CAD Software.

Your relevant job experience and training will be considered when we evaluate your application for prerequisite requirements. You will receive additional information and instructions, once you fill up the quick online application form.

Contact us Cademix
Featured image- Arduino-based study on effect of different parameters on cooling of water

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant interested in taking this program (On-Campus in Austria or Online from your home country), it is highly recommended that you fill out the Application Form as soon as possible, and partially start the program online. Please check out the Cademix Career Autopilot program if you wish to get a long term visa or interested in a job offer in Europe.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Note: These are approximate cost analysis for a typical student life and Cademix Full-Campus Programs. Please feel free to contact us if you need more accurate details.

Cost Benefit

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 – 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 – 600 EUR/Month

250 – 450 EUR/Month

50 – 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 – 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k – 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k – 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k – 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k – 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k – 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k – 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. If you are interested in a long term resident permit, or immigration to Europe, you should explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career  Autopilot Program.

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 - 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 - 600 EUR/Month

250 - 450 EUR/Month

50 - 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 - 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k - 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k - 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k - 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k - 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k - 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k - 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. Explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career Service.

Grants and scholarships

Cademix Students and Researchers can apply for scholarships, fellowships and funds, offered by Cademix as well as other institutions. The availability of the supports depends on many factors, including your fields of study, your skills, your country of origin and your academic level.

The Cademix Grant and Aid may cover up to 100% of the Tuition Fee, in form a transferable Voucher (Cademix Virtual Currency). Alternatively the student can use their vouchers to register for another Programs offered by Cademix or our partners.

Some of the Funding available to post-graduate students are: Erasmus+ Internships and study abroad Period, Ernst Mach Grant, Franz Werfel Grant, Monbukagakusho Grant and Richard Plaschka Grant.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

The Students can contact the Cademix Career Center, or talk to their Supervisors to get further details on open job opportunities on Campus, or in collaboration with industry. You may simply get involved in some activities and voluntary tasks and get up to 50% of your tuition fees back. 

Students directly involved in the Marketing and Sales activities can get reimbursement up to 100% of their tuition fees and even earn more.

Cademix 100 EUR Money Reward
2024 GDP/PPP Map 2024
2014 GDP/PPP Map 2014

Special  Discount for Low Income Countries

If you are from a low income country (whether your Nationality or your Residence country), you may be eligible for Cademix Discount Tuition fees. The calculation is based on GDP(PPP) per capita of the countries. The following countries are considered as high income countries:

Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahrain; Belgium; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Luxembourg; Macao SAR; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Oman; Puerto Rico; Qatar; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States

Here is a full list of countries with corresponding discount rates:

Country Group 1
5% Discount

Bahamas, The; Estonia; Hungary; Lithuania; Poland; Portugal; Slovak Republic; Trinidad and Tobago

Country Group 2
10% Discount

Antigua and Barbuda; Croatia; Greece; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Malaysia; Romania; Russian Federation; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Seychelles

Country Group 3
15% Discount

Bulgaria; Chile; Maldives; Mauritius; Panama; Turkey; Uruguay

Country Group 4
20% Discount

Argentina; Azerbaijan; Barbados; Belarus; Botswana; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon; Iran; Iraq; Mexico; Montenegro; Serbia; Thailand; Turkmenistan

Country Group 5
25% Discount

Albania; Algeria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Colombia; Egypt; Grenada; Indonesia; Lebanon; Mongolia; North Macedonia ; Palau; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Lucia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Tunisia

Country Group 6
30% Discount

Armenia; Belize; Bhutan; Bolivia; Cabo Verde; Dominica; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eswatini; Fiji; Georgia; Guatemala; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Jordan; Kosovo; Lao P.D.R.; Libya; Moldova; Morocco; Namibia; Nauru; Philippines; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vietnam

Country Group 7
35% Discount

Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Cambodia; Cameroon; Chad; Congo, Republic of ; Côte d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Ethiopia; Gambia, The; Ghana; Honduras; Kenya; Kyrgyz Republic; Lesotho; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Micronesia, Fed. States of; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Senegal; Sudan; São Tomé and Príncipe; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Syria; Venezuela

Country Group 8
40% Discount

Afghanistan; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Central African Republic; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Eritrea; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Haiti; Kiribati; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Niger; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; South Sudan, Republic of; Togo; Yemen

Note: These discounts are not automatically applied across all services. Instead, we ensure that individuals from low-income countries have multiple opportunities to access these discounts. The discount rates are approximate and subject to individual assessment. Additionally, the availability of these discounts may depend on voluntary contributions within the CXC (Cademix Coin) Virtual Currency framework. This mechanism allows for flexible, community-driven financial support, ensuring that eligible candidates receive fair access to educational opportunities.

Cademix Two-Step Application

Maximum Efficiency and minimum Bureaucracy

First Step: Send your CV/Resume to

and a voice message on WhatsApp +43 650 967 7080

Don’t forget to mention your career goals and study program(s) you wish to apply.

Deadline: We currently have no Application Deadlines: Continuous Admission is now open

We try our best to keep the timeline up-to-date and realistic. If you are an international student or you need visa for traveling to Europe, you should consider the additional visa processing time depending on the country of origin.

Job and Industry Sectors​

Career Tip: These Sectors include major industries, companies, and research groups, which have high demand for skills related to the field. For further career tips, and targeting a specific career goal, please contact us for a free-of-charge career counseling session.

Topics Covered in the Program

Wave Propagation in Periodic Media
Modeling of linear and nonlinear effects
Strategies for Noise Reduction
Standardization techniques
Design for homogeneous acoustic performance
Organic Materials for Acoustic Applications

The following topics are essential and relevant to all programs at Cademix Institute of Technology.

  • Simulation Technologies
  • Computer Aided Design techniques and relevant tools
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing incl. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Printing
  • Strategies for choosing optimum ICT tools, including Computer Programming Languages and Computer Software
  • Engineering Project  Management
  • Design of Experiment and Performing Automated Virtual Experimentation
  • Communication Skills
  • Time and Resource Management
  • Goal setting and Prioritizing
  • Technical Writing
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Work Ethic and Integrity

Contact Cademix to Apply and request further details:

Note: Cademix Institute of technology does not offer traditional degree programs, such as Bachelor, Master or PhD that usually takes several years. As an efficient and high ROI alternative, we offer short term flexible non-degree certificates, diploma Programs and Career pathways. Get further information on Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Page.

Choose Two Subjects (Major + Minor)

Already decided on a major Topic? Now it’s time to think about a Second Topic – Minor! To graduate on a second topic as Minor, you need to pass at least 50% of the courses. Because of the content overlaps, you may use the same courses or similar project works to fulfill the requirements in both a major and a minor, as long as you still pass 30% of the units in the minor that have a different course topic than your major.

The right Minor for you not only allows you to earn a second certificate and broaden your career, but it also increase your employ-ability and help you find more jobs after graduation.

How to choose a Minor?

The best Advise is to choose major based on your career goals and select a complementary minor mainly based on your interests. 

The Minor adds value to your Major career path, complements it and shows the potential employers that you have multiple expertise in several fields. For example, you can major in Engineering  and minor in Project Management or Entrepreneurship. So after graduation you are well qualified to apply for a Engineering Group Leader Position or Start your own Engineering Business.

Remember with a few more courses you can always turn your minor into your second major!


Take the Next Step : Zero Bureaucracy

Get started!

Simply contact us and we will offer you a personalized advise which program is most suitable for you.

Simple Contact through Email, Skype, WhatsApp or Social Media.

Start Your Application Now!

Ready to take action now? Head to the Admission Page and send your CV. We offer the fastest admission processing in Europe, any time of the year.

Discover the Latest Cademix Events, Webinars and Meetups.

Preparedness for Emergencies and Online Adaptation

At Cademix, we have gained valuable insights from the COVID-19 lockdowns and have continuously improved our adaptability. We are always prepared to shift all activities to an online mode in response to any emergency, whether it be a blackout, lockdown, or other unexpected disruptions. In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we ensure that our educational programs and consulting services remain accessible, reliable, and seamlessly operational under any circumstances. Our agile approach guarantees that learning and professional development continue without interruption, regardless of external challenges.

Coronavirus bar

For Students and Job-seekers

For Business Clients

I think I’m lucky I would say, because I met you very early in 2016, right after two months after coming to Austria and then you guided me well. For one year, we work together. And later on, because of your support I moved to reputed car manufacturing companies, Hispano-Suiza and Magna Steyr, and also I’m getting lots of interview calls… You guided me well, like, now you should learn this and now that, so it was a step by step process as I said before if you have a nice mentor, you can go in a right direction and you can learn a lot. So, that’s how I can say.

An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.

Get in touch


Cademix Institute of Technology
Hauptstrasse 9,
7512 Kirchfidisch
Burgenland, Austria

Virtual Tour  | Media Gallery

Make an Appointment (Online or On-Site)   |

+ 43 650 967 7080 (Phone / WhatsApp)

WeChat ID: cademix

LinkedIn (Cademix)

Digital Marketing 2

Digital Marketing and Advertising

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Study Program:

Postgraduate Program on Digital Marketing and Advertising

(Certificate: Cademix Certified – Digital Marketing Expert)

Choose Your Level

Choose Your Pace

Choose Your Platform

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and travel limitations, we currently recommend all participants to choose Blended (Hybrid) mode, to use the advantages of online and individual programs. Of course you will receive the 1-to-1 meeting with your instructors, receive the required Hardware / Software to word from home, and full project support for the selected plan.

Method: Hybrid / Blended
Phase 1: Online, Phase 2: Optional On-Campus & partner visits, Phase 3: Post-placement follow-up support.

Application Fee, Interview and First Info Session: 50 EUR

Link to Frequently Asked Questions

Program Language: English

Credits: 12 – 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

(Equivalent of 240 to 600 hours of Seminar, Learning Activity, Workshop Training and Project Work)

List of all Cademix Career Development Packages
Price Range (50 EUR – 10k EUR)

Javad Zarbakhsh VIP consultation Interview Office with 3D Printers CCARD Center of Computer Aided Research and Development Austria
Hightech Big Data

Next Cohort Schedule and Welcome Day:

(Continuous Admission is Open Now)

In EdTech 4.0, A cohort is a group of students who start a study program together, while each have their own personalized goals and curriculum.

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Why study Digital Marketing and Advertising

High Demand Jobs

One third of Open Positions in Industrial R&D in Europe are related to interdisciplinary topics, Computer Design, Engineering, Simulation, rapid manufacturing, Programming, Modeling, Data Analysis or related fields offered at Cademix. The rate is increasing.

Highly Paid Jobs

Interdisciplinary experts earn in average 10% to 20% higher salaries than comparable Engineering Job titles with traditional roles in industry.

Flexible Working

Most of interdisciplinary experts can easily negotiate and get a flexible Job. This includes Flexible working contracts, freelance working, Home-Office bonuses, and teleworking agreements.

Digital Marketing 2
Robot Pepper

About the Program

The year 2020 approaches and the digital marketing landscape go viral. The relevant technologies including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, content marketing, Visual Search and Artificial Intelligent (AI) witness a remarkable shift. But these are not just a science fiction scene to watch and enjoy, or buzz words to just know a little bit about them.

Successful companies effectively use the digital marketing technologies to position their products. The job market for digital marketing experts is booming, and lots of traditional companies are now looking for talents who can help them go digital.

Syllabus & Course Modules

The Cademix Program on Digital Marketing and Advertising is a personalized, project based and practical training program that covers these topics:

Personalized Pathway | Modular Content

At Cademix, every Student is treated as a Business Partner and First Class Customer

Personalized Education Edtech

Cademix is equipped with the cutting edge technologies and communication system to provide modular and personalized courses to students.

This includes the communication with industries, future employers, international community and specially regular exchange with students to provide best course contents.

As a Student of Cademix, you will enjoy unique benefits:

Supervison Discussion

Dedicated Coach / Advisor

As a Student of Cademix, you will have a dedicated Coach and Advisor to discuss your technical as well as the personal and career issues.

You have the chance to join Weekly/Biweekly Meet-ups in the Campus or Online, or arrange private appointments. 

For further if on this, please contact us online.

Who Should Pursue This Program?

This Program is a Knowledge Upgrade and Career Accelerator for STEM graduates, who see the value and power of computer aided skills in the ongoing digital transformation. If you have a Bachelor or Master Degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, this is a perfect choice for you.

The Program is also designed to be an effective alternative to traditional University Master Degrees, which typically takes 2 years to complete, and usually cost you much more, especially if you consider the values of your time, and drawbacks of career delays.


Zarbakhsh Javad 3D Printed parts in hand


If you have a Bachelor Degree in an engineering or science discipline, then probably you already have most of technical prerequisites. If you have a different or equivalent educational background, you still may apply, however additional courses may be required. You are expected to have successfully taken previous undergraduate courses in calculus, physics and being familiar with MS Office tools and internet. It is an advantage, if you are familiar with one computer programming language and one CAD Software.

Your relevant job experience and training will be considered when we evaluate your application for prerequisite requirements. You will receive additional information and instructions, once you fill up the quick online application form.

Contact us Cademix
Featured image- Arduino-based study on effect of different parameters on cooling of water

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant interested in taking this program (On-Campus in Austria or Online from your home country), it is highly recommended that you fill out the Application Form as soon as possible, and partially start the program online. Please check out the Cademix Career Autopilot program if you wish to get a long term visa or interested in a job offer in Europe.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Note: These are approximate cost analysis for a typical student life and Cademix Full-Campus Programs. Please feel free to contact us if you need more accurate details.

Cost Benefit

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 – 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 – 600 EUR/Month

250 – 450 EUR/Month

50 – 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 – 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k – 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k – 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k – 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k – 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k – 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k – 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. If you are interested in a long term resident permit, or immigration to Europe, you should explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career  Autopilot Program.

Calculating Costs

Total Registration Fee:
2500 - 12000 EUR Depending on the Program Discounts and your country of origin

(Student Dorm / Private Apartment): 300 - 600 EUR/Month

250 - 450 EUR/Month

50 - 200 EUR/Month

Health Insurance:
40 - 100 EUR/Month

Other Costs:
Transportation and Travel Costs, depends on your preferences

Careers Options in Central Europe

Industrial Group Leader:
65k - 150k EUR / year

Consultant in Private Sector:
40k - 120k EUR / year

HighTech Engineer:
45k - 90k EUR / year

R&D Engineer:
40k - 80k EUR / year

University Lecturer:
35k - 60k EUR / year

PhD Student / PostDoc / Research Fellow:
18k - 45k EUR / year

Note: Earning a Certification or a Degree does not necessarily guarantee employment. Explore more career information and suggestions from Cademix Career Service.

Grants and scholarships

Cademix Students and Researchers can apply for scholarships, fellowships and funds, offered by Cademix as well as other institutions. The availability of the supports depends on many factors, including your fields of study, your skills, your country of origin and your academic level.

The Cademix Grant and Aid may cover up to 100% of the Tuition Fee, in form a transferable Voucher (Cademix Virtual Currency). Alternatively the student can use their vouchers to register for another Programs offered by Cademix or our partners.

Some of the Funding available to post-graduate students are: Erasmus+ Internships and study abroad Period, Ernst Mach Grant, Franz Werfel Grant, Monbukagakusho Grant and Richard Plaschka Grant.

Tuition Reimbursement Program

The Students can contact the Cademix Career Center, or talk to their Supervisors to get further details on open job opportunities on Campus, or in collaboration with industry. You may simply get involved in some activities and voluntary tasks and get up to 50% of your tuition fees back. 

Students directly involved in the Marketing and Sales activities can get reimbursement up to 100% of their tuition fees and even earn more.

Cademix 100 EUR Money Reward
2024 GDP/PPP Map 2024
2014 GDP/PPP Map 2014

Special  Discount for Low Income Countries

If you are from a low income country (whether your Nationality or your Residence country), you may be eligible for Cademix Discount Tuition fees. The calculation is based on GDP(PPP) per capita of the countries. The following countries are considered as high income countries:

Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahrain; Belgium; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Luxembourg; Macao SAR; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Oman; Puerto Rico; Qatar; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States

Here is a full list of countries with corresponding discount rates:

Country Group 1
5% Discount

Bahamas, The; Estonia; Hungary; Lithuania; Poland; Portugal; Slovak Republic; Trinidad and Tobago

Country Group 2
10% Discount

Antigua and Barbuda; Croatia; Greece; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Malaysia; Romania; Russian Federation; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Seychelles

Country Group 3
15% Discount

Bulgaria; Chile; Maldives; Mauritius; Panama; Turkey; Uruguay

Country Group 4
20% Discount

Argentina; Azerbaijan; Barbados; Belarus; Botswana; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon; Iran; Iraq; Mexico; Montenegro; Serbia; Thailand; Turkmenistan

Country Group 5
25% Discount

Albania; Algeria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Colombia; Egypt; Grenada; Indonesia; Lebanon; Mongolia; North Macedonia ; Palau; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Lucia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Tunisia

Country Group 6
30% Discount

Armenia; Belize; Bhutan; Bolivia; Cabo Verde; Dominica; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eswatini; Fiji; Georgia; Guatemala; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Jordan; Kosovo; Lao P.D.R.; Libya; Moldova; Morocco; Namibia; Nauru; Philippines; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vietnam

Country Group 7
35% Discount

Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Cambodia; Cameroon; Chad; Congo, Republic of ; Côte d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Ethiopia; Gambia, The; Ghana; Honduras; Kenya; Kyrgyz Republic; Lesotho; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Micronesia, Fed. States of; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Senegal; Sudan; São Tomé and Príncipe; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Syria; Venezuela

Country Group 8
40% Discount

Afghanistan; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Central African Republic; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Eritrea; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Haiti; Kiribati; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Niger; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; South Sudan, Republic of; Togo; Yemen

Note: These discounts are not automatically applied across all services. Instead, we ensure that individuals from low-income countries have multiple opportunities to access these discounts. The discount rates are approximate and subject to individual assessment. Additionally, the availability of these discounts may depend on voluntary contributions within the CXC (Cademix Coin) Virtual Currency framework. This mechanism allows for flexible, community-driven financial support, ensuring that eligible candidates receive fair access to educational opportunities.

Cademix Two-Step Application

Maximum Efficiency and minimum Bureaucracy

First Step: Send your CV/Resume to

and a voice message on WhatsApp +43 650 967 7080

Don’t forget to mention your career goals and study program(s) you wish to apply.

Deadline: We currently have no Application Deadlines: Continuous Admission is now open

We try our best to keep the timeline up-to-date and realistic. If you are an international student or you need visa for traveling to Europe, you should consider the additional visa processing time depending on the country of origin.

Job and Industry Sectors​

Career Tip: These Sectors include major industries, companies, and research groups, which have high demand for skills related to the field. For further career tips, and targeting a specific career goal, please contact us for a free-of-charge career counseling session.

Topics Covered in the Program

Wave Propagation in Periodic Media
Modeling of linear and nonlinear effects
Strategies for Noise Reduction
Standardization techniques
Design for homogeneous acoustic performance
Organic Materials for Acoustic Applications

The following topics are essential and relevant to all programs at Cademix Institute of Technology.

  • Simulation Technologies
  • Computer Aided Design techniques and relevant tools
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing incl. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Printing
  • Strategies for choosing optimum ICT tools, including Computer Programming Languages and Computer Software
  • Engineering Project  Management
  • Design of Experiment and Performing Automated Virtual Experimentation
  • Communication Skills
  • Time and Resource Management
  • Goal setting and Prioritizing
  • Technical Writing
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Work Ethic and Integrity

Contact Cademix to Apply and request further details:

Note: Cademix Institute of technology does not offer traditional degree programs, such as Bachelor, Master or PhD that usually takes several years. As an efficient and high ROI alternative, we offer short term flexible non-degree certificates, diploma Programs and Career pathways. Get further information on Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Page.

Choose Two Subjects (Major + Minor)

Already decided on a major Topic? Now it’s time to think about a Second Topic – Minor! To graduate on a second topic as Minor, you need to pass at least 50% of the courses. Because of the content overlaps, you may use the same courses or similar project works to fulfill the requirements in both a major and a minor, as long as you still pass 30% of the units in the minor that have a different course topic than your major.

The right Minor for you not only allows you to earn a second certificate and broaden your career, but it also increase your employ-ability and help you find more jobs after graduation.

How to choose a Minor?

The best Advise is to choose major based on your career goals and select a complementary minor mainly based on your interests. 

The Minor adds value to your Major career path, complements it and shows the potential employers that you have multiple expertise in several fields. For example, you can major in Engineering  and minor in Project Management or Entrepreneurship. So after graduation you are well qualified to apply for a Engineering Group Leader Position or Start your own Engineering Business.

Remember with a few more courses you can always turn your minor into your second major!


Take the Next Step : Zero Bureaucracy

Get started!

Simply contact us and we will offer you a personalized advise which program is most suitable for you.

Simple Contact through Email, Skype, WhatsApp or Social Media.

Start Your Application Now!

Ready to take action now? Head to the Admission Page and send your CV. We offer the fastest admission processing in Europe, any time of the year.

Discover the Latest Cademix Events, Webinars and Meetups.

Preparedness for Emergencies and Online Adaptation

At Cademix, we have gained valuable insights from the COVID-19 lockdowns and have continuously improved our adaptability. We are always prepared to shift all activities to an online mode in response to any emergency, whether it be a blackout, lockdown, or other unexpected disruptions. In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, we ensure that our educational programs and consulting services remain accessible, reliable, and seamlessly operational under any circumstances. Our agile approach guarantees that learning and professional development continue without interruption, regardless of external challenges.

Coronavirus bar

For Students and Job-seekers

For Business Clients

I think I’m lucky I would say, because I met you very early in 2016, right after two months after coming to Austria and then you guided me well. For one year, we work together. And later on, because of your support I moved to reputed car manufacturing companies, Hispano-Suiza and Magna Steyr, and also I’m getting lots of interview calls… You guided me well, like, now you should learn this and now that, so it was a step by step process as I said before if you have a nice mentor, you can go in a right direction and you can learn a lot. So, that’s how I can say.

An important thing is like when you find a person who already you know going through the same situation like you came from Iran, here to study in Austria and then you establish yourself really well. So, when I came in contact with you I asked you lots of questions. Maybe I irritated you with my questions but at the end, it was that you guided me well and this is very important thing. If you find a person as a mentor. So in case you guided me well because you are you are already aware of all these situations. Everything is in your mind. Like how and how should you do this and what should you do next, and what should be your next steps. So you guided me well and that’s one important thing. I’m in a good situation and because of your guidance and your directions, or let’s say your mentorship.

Get in touch


Cademix Institute of Technology
Hauptstrasse 9,
7512 Kirchfidisch
Burgenland, Austria

Virtual Tour  | Media Gallery

Make an Appointment (Online or On-Site)   |

+ 43 650 967 7080 (Phone / WhatsApp)

WeChat ID: cademix

LinkedIn (Cademix)