VUCA World AI Job Market Cademix Magazine AI to boost Career in a VUCA Job Market

How To Use AI To Boost Career Confidence In A VUCA Job Market

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes This article explores the challenges posed by the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) job market, intensified by rapid advancements in AI technologies. It discusses how AI has exacerbated the VUCA world and offers insights on how job seekers and professionals can leverage AI as a solution to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of the evolving job landscape. By utilizing AI tools and strategies, individuals can better adapt to the VUCA job market and increase their chances of securing the right opportunities in an ever-changing world.

Narendra Singh Interview

Success Story: Narendra Singh

Estimated Reading Time: 19 minutes Cademix Success Story, Interview with Narendra Singh, Moving from Jaipur, India to Austria, working with Prof. Zarbakhsh, and lots of experience…

3D Printing Clogging Zones

Solution to 3D Printing Filament Clogging

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes Cademix Institute of Technology’s study introduces an efficient solution to the persistent problem of filament clogging in desktop 3D printers. By fine-tuning the size of heat sink fins to 20mm, the researchers successfully minimized the problematic Zone 2 in the printer head, where filament begins to soften. This optimization is pivotal in maintaining the appropriate temperature gradient within the printer head, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted 3D printing operations.